What I Do!



Training-Fraud and Financial Crime

Training-Cyber Awareness

Media Contributor
Dr. Skiba is available for speaking engagements on a domestic and international basis. Speeches can be scheduled for any length and location. Dr. Skiba has extensive experience speaking and keynoting at conferences, conventions, industry meetings, and kick-off corporate events and has worked with audiences of all sizes; even crowds of 8,000 + individuals.
Training sessions can be scheduled on an domestic and international basis with sessions ranging from one hour to several weeks. Dr. Skiba also has the ability to conduct training on a virtual basis using conferencing tools such as Zoom, Skype and others. This can save significant cost for you! In addition to on-site training, click the "Explore Training" button below to be taken to the Dr. Fraud Training Group website which has over 40 online, self-paced courses in fraud,scams and professional development.
Speech Topics
Psychology of Fraud
What Makes Fraudsters Tick
PsychTech --Psychology of Technology (Fraud Focus)
How to Hack a Human. Why are all Humans Vulnerable?
Why People Cheat
The Power of Fraud Persuasion: How scammers use psychological tricks to manipulate
Corporate and Occupational Fraud
Finding your Risk: Performing a Successful Vulnerability Assessment
Clamping Down on Fraud
Psychology of Success
Comtech-Communicating Effectively in a Technology World
How to Create an Agile, Innovative Organization by Outrunning a Bear
Inside the Mind of Your Audience
PsychTech --Psychology of Technology
PsychCom-The Psychology of Communication
Finding Your Inner Fastball
What’s Your Brand?
Master the Stage!
Communication Book Camp
Hitting the Bullseye
Leveraging the Power of Social Media
Consulting Workshops
Financial Crime Awareness
Risk Assessment
Social Engineering
Vulnerability Assessment
Cybercrime Strategies
Counter Fraud Strategies
Ethics and Honesty
Communications Assessment-Social Media, Branding, and Communication Styles
Brief Client List:


